Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Start of Shopping

Oh how wonderful it felt to be in my own bed last night with the AC on. I was up late trying to catch up on my blog but when I finally fell asleep I slept like a baby haha. After waking up, enjoying a cup of coffee, and getting ready I headed downstairs to meet my driver. He took me to pick up Kristen and we headed to the bank, Starbucks, and the visa place so Kristen could extend her travel visa. The air was heavy with humidity and the sky was a light grey as we drove to Puxi to meet Ms. Evelyn. We went to the Blue Frog for lunch and then went to her cousin’s jewelry shop and purchased a few items. Shopped around and bought a few things. I got some great deals and some awesome sunglasses! Off to the fabric market after that…

I was a bit nervous about my green dress – One of the first one’s I had made that had to be fixed. I tried it on and the straps were crooked and there were some other issues. I wasn’t happy and the guy was being so rude! He and ms. Evelyn got in a bit of a yelling argument because he didn’t want to fix his poor work. His boss came over reluctantly after ms. Evelyn told him multiple times that he needed to get involved. We finally got our point across and hopefully the dress will be how it is supposed to be on Thursday. Off to the next stall, I was feeling a bit discouraged haha. This one needed a few minor adjustments but otherwise is good; it will be ready Thursday as well so I guess I’m happy haha. I decided to get some shorts made as well; I love how cheap everything is here!! They will be ready Thursday as well so hopefully that will all work out well.

We grabbed a drink and a snack and our driver took us home. Tomorrow is another day of shopping and so that will be fun. I started packing tonight…. I can’t believe I will be coming home in a couple of days. I still have so much to do!!! I must head to bed. Goodnight!


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